EdenList 2.0.1 for iOS

28th March 2019 | EdenList

EdenList 2.0.1 for iOS has been released, featuring the following improvements:

As was discussed in the previous blog post, the app has been improved to more quickly delete selected items from an arbitrarily long list. While this will likely not be observable in real world examples (unless you happen to have a very, very long shopping list), it is still nice to implement these improvements and to safe guard against any extreme cases.

One thing which caught me for a surprise with this release was that I needed to include a privacy policy before submitting the update to Apple. Starting on 3 October 2018, all new apps and updates for Apple's app stores require a privacy policy. I looked at a couple of examples and services to create a privacy policy that would work for EdenList, and I ended up using TermsFeed. Just for additional clarification, EdenList does not obtain or use any personal information from its users.