Presently, the EMResponder.m file is pretty small, but it will evolve into one of the largest files in this project. Take a look at the completed EMResponder.m file to get an idea of how much work will be put into this file. In its current incarnation, EMResponder.m just initializes several variables.


#import "EMResponder.h"

#include <math.h>

@implementation EMResponder

// -------------------------------------------------------
// (id) init
// -------------------------------------------------------
- (id) init
    current_value	= 0.0;
    previous_value	= 0.0;
    op_type	 	= NO_OP;
    angle_type 		= DEGREE;
    e_value		= M_E; 		// 2.7182818285
    trailing_digits 	= 0;
    startNewDigit	= YES;
    return self;
