Standard Functions and Linking
Here is the main brunt of the program. After the initial work is completed, much of the program is fairly repetitive work.

This is where you can be a little more creative in how you want to design things, but this program gives examples of how a scientific calculator can be laid out and constructed. Additional functionality can be added to your own scientific calculator such as statistics functions or type conversions.

One large difference between many of the functions is that of the set of binary operations (+, -, x, /) verses unary operations (!, %). Binary operations require two operands, whereas a unary operation requires only one operand.

Here is some sample code from EMController.m

// -------------------------------------------------------
// (void) enter:(id)sender
// -------------------------------------------------------
- (void)enter:(id)sender 
    [self saveState];
    [em enter];
    [self updateDisplay];

// -------------------------------------------------------
// (void) add:(id)sender
// -------------------------------------------------------
- (void)add:(id)sender 
    [self saveState];
    [em operation:ADD_OP];
    [self updateDisplay];

// -------------------------------------------------------
// (void) subtract:(id)sender
// -------------------------------------------------------
- (void)subtract:(id)sender 
    [self saveState];
    [em operation:SUBTRACT_OP];
    [self updateDisplay];

// -------------------------------------------------------
// (void) percentage:(id)sender
// -------------------------------------------------------
- (void)percentage:(id)sender
    [self saveState];
    [em percentage];
    [self updateDisplay];

As you can see here, the last three functions are associated with the +, -, and % keys on the calculator. But if you notice the functions called to the EMResponder, only operation and percentage are called in those three functions. The enter function is very important when putting together the operands and the operator. Now here is the code in the EMResponder.m file.

// -------------------------------------------------------
// (void)operation:(OpType)new_op_type
// -------------------------------------------------------
- (void)operation:(OpType)new_op_type
    if (op_type == NO_OP) 
        previous_value 	= current_value;
        isNewDigit 	= YES;
        op_type 	= new_op_type;
        trailing_digits = 0;
        // cascading operations
        [self enter]; // calculate previous value, first
        previous_value = current_value;
        isNewDigit = YES;
        op_type = new_op_type;
        trailing_digits = 0;

// -------------------------------------------------------
// (void)enter
// -------------------------------------------------------
- (void)enter 
    switch (op_type) 
        case NO_OP:
        case ADD_OP:
            current_value = previous_value + current_value;
        case SUBTRACT_OP:
            current_value = previous_value - current_value;
        case MULTIPLY_OP:
            current_value = previous_value * current_value;
        case DIVIDE_OP:
            if (current_value != 0.0)
                current_value = previous_value / current_value;
        case EXPONENT_OP: // x^y
            current_value = pow(previous_value, current_value);
        case XROOT_OP: // y√x
            current_value = pow(previous_value, 1/current_value);
        case MOD_OP:
            current_value = (int)previous_value % (int)current_value;
        case EE_OP:
            current_value = previous_value * pow(10, current_value);
        case NPR_OP: // n!/(n-r)!
            current_value = [self factorial:previous_value] / [self factorial:(previous_value - current_value)];
        case NCR_OP: // n!/(r! * (n-r)!)
            current_value = [self factorial:previous_value] / ([self factorial:current_value] * [self factorial:(previous_value - current_value)]);
    previous_value 	= 0.0;
    op_type 		= NO_OP;
    trailing_digits 	= 0;
    isNewDigit 		= YES;

// -------------------------------------------------------
// (void)percentage
// -------------------------------------------------------
- (void)percentage
    current_value = current_value * 0.01;
    isNewDigit 	  = YES;
    trailing_digits = 0;